Suicide Pacts on the Internet

June 13, 2003
Kari Huus writes on that the Japanese, who have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, are forming suicide pacts on the internet. On Sunday, the bodies of four young Japanese men were found in a car,... continued

Mystery of Vanished Jumbo Jet

June 13, 2003
Pierre Thomas writes in that U.S. intelligence has launched a secret search for a Boeing 727 passenger jet that mysteriously disappeared in Africa three weeks ago."When an aircraft of this size has been missing for so long it does... continued

Egypt Bans Matrix Due to Religious Symbolism

June 13, 2003
"The Matrix Reloaded" movie has been banned in Egypt because of its "violent" content and "religious themes." The Egyptian censorship board says the storyline may cause religious "crises" in those who watch it. Egyptian censors say, "Despite the high technology... continued

Tortoise Versus Hare?Again

June 12, 2003 presents another wonderful animation: "The Race" by Eric Black. This time, the competition between the rabbit and the turtle gets rudely interrupted. To watch a futuristic twist on the old fable,click here. To take a quick trip through the... continued

Food Can Be as Addictive as Heroin

June 11, 2003
If you're frustrated because you can't seem to stay away for certain foods, it may make you feel better to know that, according to Dr. Neal Barnard, "Certain foods?chocolates, cheeses, sugars, starches and meats?are capable of stimulating the same part... continued

UFOs in Saudi Arabia & Nevada

June 11, 2003
A UFO fell to earth in Saudi Arabia last week, that witnesses described as saucer-shaped and radiating light. When it fell, it sent shock waves through the area and frightened nearby cattle. People ran away from it and watched from... continued

A Small Group of White Men Runs the World

June 11, 2003
Pepe Escobar writes in the Asia Times Online that the annual meeting of the Bilderberg club was held in May in Versailles, home of the French kings. The Bilderberg club is an international group of people (mostly men) who are... continued

Dangerous Pets

June 11, 2003
When we think of dangerous pets, we imagine pet lions, alligators or boa constrictors. But a pet prairie dog can be just as dangerous. A giant Gambian rat, imported to a pet store from Africa, infected prairie dogs for sale... continued

Three Nessie Sightings in a Day

June 11, 2003
Last Sunday the Loch Ness monster was sighted three times in eight hours, which is how often it was sighted during the entire year of 2002. Two of the sightings were from the cruiser the Royal Scot and the third... continued

Analysis of UFO Evidence

June 11, 2003
Linda Moulton Howe published on her website excerpts from a report about burns on a bedsheet given to her as evidence of an alleged alien abduction in Brazil, and talked about this on Dreamland. The scientist who made the report,... continued