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A Small Group of White Men Runs the World
June 11, 2003Pepe Escobar writes in the Asia Times Online that the annual meeting of the Bilderberg club was held in May in Versailles, home of the French kings. The Bilderberg club is an international group of people (mostly men) who are... continued
Dangerous Pets
June 11, 2003When we think of dangerous pets, we imagine pet lions, alligators or boa constrictors. But a pet prairie dog can be just as dangerous. A giant Gambian rat, imported to a pet store from Africa, infected prairie dogs for sale... continued
Three Nessie Sightings in a Day
June 11, 2003Last Sunday the Loch Ness monster was sighted three times in eight hours, which is how often it was sighted during the entire year of 2002. Two of the sightings were from the cruiser the Royal Scot and the third... continued
Analysis of UFO Evidence
June 11, 2003Linda Moulton Howe published on her website excerpts from a report about burns on a bedsheet given to her as evidence of an alleged alien abduction in Brazil, and talked about this on Dreamland. The scientist who made the report,... continued
How Many Died to Free Iraq
June 11, 2003At least 3,240 civilians died in Iraq during the month of war, including 1,896 in Baghdad alone, according to an investigation by the Associated Press. The count is based on records from 60 of Iraq's 124 hospitals from March 20... continued
Columbia Disaster Blamed on NASA Budget
June 11, 2003Lisa Stark writes for abcnews.com that it was more than a piece of foam that caused the Columbia shuttle to disintegrate in space, killing seven astronauts?complacency and the tight budget at NASA did it too. The Columbia Accident Investigation Board... continued
Fisherman Catches Computer
June 10, 2003Fisherman Larry Mattson caught a lake trout in Michigan's Traverse Bay that had a computer inside it. It's not the kind he could use to surf the internet, however, since it's only the size of a finger. It was put... continued
Humans Almost Became Extinct
June 10, 2003We almost went the way of the dinosaur. Humans came close to extinction 70,000 years ago, when genetic research shows that there were only about 2,000 of us alive. Just one major disease or environmental disaster (like the meteor that... continued
Cyber Charlie’s Angels
June 10, 2003Phuong Ly writes in the Washington Post about Maryland eighth graders and best friends Karen, Mary and Kristin, who are real-life "Charlie's Angels," helping the FBI bust internet pedophiles. In Operation Innocent Images, FBI agents pose as teenage girls and... continued
Neglected Oceans Need Help Fast
June 10, 2003The Pew Oceans Commission, made up of 18 scientists, says the U.S. has a "frontier mentality" when it comes to our oceans, which includes ignorance, neglect and short-term planning (sounds like the way the government handles everything else as well).... continued