Was There an Ancient, Unknown Civilization?

June 4, 2003
Some of our most popular Dreamland guests talk about the great achievements of ancient civilizations that have been forgotten. These books are favorites in our bookstore, as well. Our new poll asks the question: Do you believe that there was... continued

New Prayer Group Intention

June 4, 2003
The new prayer group intention is: That man may make open and productive contact soon. Are you familiar with our prayer group? They're from every religious--and non-religious--background and are only linked by the prayer itself. The group "meets" four times... continued

Yes, There is Life on Mars

June 3, 2003
As the European spacecraft the Beagle (named after Darwin's ship) heads for Mars, scientists are looking at the results of an earlier search for life on Mars, by the NASA Viking landings in 1976. Former mission scientist Gil Levin says... continued

Al-Qaeda Water Threat

June 3, 2003
Al-Qaeda has announced it's going to try to poison the U.S. water supply. Spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Ablaj told al-Majallah magazine in London that "al-Qaeda (does not rule out) using Sarin gas and poisoning drinking water in U.S. and Western cities.?... continued

SARS Researchers Discover Another New Virus

June 3, 2003
Researchers searching for SARS have discovered another new virus in American children. At the Yale School of Medicine, they found that 19 out of 296 local children they studied had respiratory infections of an unknown cause?but they didn't have SARS.... continued

Time Travel Will be Easy

June 3, 2003
To travel through time, you can open a wormhole in space-time and step through it. All you need is some "exotic matter," which is repelled, rather than attracted, by gravity. The problem is, no one knows how to make exotic... continued

Quick Trip Through 20th Century

June 2, 2003
In case you've forgotten any details about the last century, you can take a quick trip through the major events with Xeth Feinberg's "Bulbo" cartoon on the wired.com website. Don't miss this! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our... continued

Fears Shaped by Evolution

June 2, 2003
A long time ago, before we were human, our ancestors had to survive in a world dominated by giant lizards (dinosaurs). "Their brains certainly had to be effective in identifying reptiles in the world around them," says Swedish psychologist Arne... continued

Most Popular Cigarettes are Also Most Cancerous

June 1, 2003
Marlboros are the world's best selling cigarettes and also contain much higher levels of the cancer-causing agents called nitrosamines (TSNAs) than other cigarette brands sold in 11 of 13 other countries. In 10 of these countries, including Japan and Germany,... continued

SARS Lives 3 Days on Surfaces

June 1, 2003
The reason SARS passes so easily from one person to another has been discovered: the SARS virus can live for as long as 3 days on walls, glass, plastic, stainless steel and other common household and hospital surfaces. WHO spokesman... continued