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Quick Trip Through 20th Century
June 2, 2003In case you've forgotten any details about the last century, you can take a quick trip through the major events with Xeth Feinberg's "Bulbo" cartoon on the wired.com website. Don't miss this! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our... continued
Fears Shaped by Evolution
June 2, 2003A long time ago, before we were human, our ancestors had to survive in a world dominated by giant lizards (dinosaurs). "Their brains certainly had to be effective in identifying reptiles in the world around them," says Swedish psychologist Arne... continued
Most Popular Cigarettes are Also Most Cancerous
June 1, 2003Marlboros are the world's best selling cigarettes and also contain much higher levels of the cancer-causing agents called nitrosamines (TSNAs) than other cigarette brands sold in 11 of 13 other countries. In 10 of these countries, including Japan and Germany,... continued
SARS Lives 3 Days on Surfaces
June 1, 2003The reason SARS passes so easily from one person to another has been discovered: the SARS virus can live for as long as 3 days on walls, glass, plastic, stainless steel and other common household and hospital surfaces. WHO spokesman... continued
Will China Take Over the Moon?
June 1, 2003Robert S. Walker, former chairman of the House Science Committee, writes in the Washington Times that the Chinese are planning not only to go to the moon, but to set up a base there and occupy it. When we went... continued
Paralyzed People Use Mind Control
May 30, 2003German neuroscientist Niels Birbaumer is teaching 11 paralyzed patients who can't even blink their eyes how to use their brain waves to control a computer. They've learned to change the electrical signals coming from their brains by visualizing an arrow... continued
The Mysterious Ica Stones
May 30, 2003A huge collection of ancient engraved stones, containing over 15,000 images, was found in a cave in the Peruvian desert in the early 1960's. They show details of a lost civilization that knew about medical transplants and advanced technology. Animals... continued
How to Identify Serial Killers
May 30, 2003Psychologists in Wales have created a simple psychological test to identify potential psychopaths who could become serial killers. Right now, all we have is profilers, and recently they've identified some serial killers as white, when they've turned out to be... continued
Bioweapons Buried on U.S. Base
May 30, 2003After two years of digging at Fort Detrick, Maryland, officials have uncovered 2,000 tons of hazardous waste, including over 100 vials of live bacteria and viruses, as well as anthrax, that the military says they didn't know were there. They... continued
Our Health Depends on What Happens Before We’re Born
May 29, 2003Tara Pepper writes in Newsweek that the secret of heart disease, and other deadly diseases, lies in the womb. U.K. researcher David Barker has discovered that some diseases actually start before we're born. Harvard's Nurses Health Study, which started in... continued