3 Major Earthquakes in a Single Day

May 26, 2003
Three earthquakes of significant intensity struck Monday in various parts of Asia. While it is not unknown for quakes to occur in clusters, especially along a single fault line, these quakes are spread across a wide geologic area. While all... continued

Laughter Really is the Best Medicine

May 26, 2003
A Japanese study shows that diabetics can process sugar better if they laugh during the meal. Laughter has also been shown to help high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, heighten the immune system, release natural painkillers and make the... continued

How We Look from Mars

May 23, 2003
Was there ever a civilization on Mars that looked up through a telescope at the Earth? A new picture from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, which has been orbiting Mars since 1997, shows what they would have seen. The image shows... continued

Meditation Makes You Happier

May 23, 2003
Scientists now have evidence that Buddhists really are happier and calmer than other people. Tests on their brains show that the parts associated with good moods and positive feelings are more active, because of all the meditation they do. Researchers... continued

Gulf War Syndrome Caused by Uranium in Weapons

May 23, 2003
After the 1991 Gulf War, many U.S. soldiers came home with what came to be called Gulf War Syndrome. No cause for the debilitating condition has ever been proven, although guesses have included chemical weapons, smoke from burning oil wells,... continued

Did Life on Earth Come from Mars?

May 22, 2003
There's still controversy over whether the 3.9 billion-year-old Martian meteorite ALH84001, found in Antarctica on December 1984, contains fossilized Martian bacteria. If it does, it's possible that life came to Earth from Mars and that we are all, in effect,... continued

Strange Sightings in Unusual Places

May 22, 2003
Crop circles have landed in the U.S. and UFOs are flying abroad. Local lawyer Lex Kramer discovered crop circles in wheat fields in Easton, Maryland. He says, "It's like a very defined shape that looks like someone had taken a... continued

FBI Could Have Captured Bin-Laden Five Years Ago

May 22, 2003
In ABC News exclusive, Brian Ross writes that the FBI made secret plans to capture Osama bin Laden five years ago. Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent who is now an ABCNEWS consultant, says they had a plan to fly... continued

New Subscription Section: You Don’t Need Paypal

May 22, 2003
Our new subscriptions section is ready, and you can now subscribe monthly, semi-annually or annually. You can pay by check for semi-annual and annual subscriptions. Your email address will be your username and you can choose your own password. This... continued

It’s Official: Politicians Lie

May 21, 2003
In Britain's Observer newspaper, political scientist Glen Newey says that lying is an important part of politics in a modern democracy. He says, "Politicians need to be more honest about lying." He thinks voters actually expect to be lied to... continued