Chimps are Us

May 21, 2003
Chimpanzees are so closely related to humans that they should be considered part of the human family. Genetic researchers examined key genes in humans and several ape species and found our "life code" to be 99.4% the same as chimps.... continued

Life as a Science Fiction Movie

May 21, 2003
Imagine your entire life, including all your travels and experiences, every e-mail you've ever sent, every relationship you've ever had, book or magazine you?ve read, every phone call you've made or received and TV show you've watched, every purchase you've... continued

Angry Kids Develop Bad Hearts

May 20, 2003
Hostile, angry children are three times more likely to grow up to have heart disease than calmer, happier kids. Researchers found that children with high scores on tests for hostility were more likely to have developed "metabolic syndrome" when they... continued

Evidence Vikings Got Here First

May 20, 2003
There's new evidence that Vikings landed in North America long before Columbus. First, Texas engineer Richard Nielsen, who has spent 17 years studying the controversial Runestone, says it's definitely a genuine Viking artifact. And Lauren Taylor writes in the May... continued

First Tornadoes, Now Hurricanes!

May 20, 2003
We just got through having a record tornado season, and now NOAA forecasters say there's a "high likelihood" that we'll have a record number of hurricanes this year as well. The hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30.... continued

U.S. Troops Spray Graffiti in Ancient City

May 20, 2003
We've heard about Iraqis looting some of their country's ancient treasures and how U.S. troops either didn't try?or were unable?to stop them. Now there's news that our troops have been doing some of the looting themselves and have vandalized one... continued

Will We Ever be Innocent Again?

May 19, 2003
In her new Diary, Anne Strieber writes, "There have been few times in the human past when there wasn't a war going on...Our history is the history of war...We now know that al-Qaeda has been around for a long time.... continued

Dark Matter May be Inside Extra Dimensions

May 18, 2003
Two of the biggest mysteries in physics are: where is all the dark matter that scientists know is in the universe but can't see??and are there extra dimensions beyond the 3 we can see? A team of scientists now think... continued

Jim Marrs on Aliens

May 18, 2003
Most people think of popular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs as an expert on conspiracies (which he is), but did you know he also wrote one of the best books on UFOs? Now Alien Agenda is available in our store! He... continued

Crop Circles Down Under

May 18, 2003
The crop circle season isn't only beginning in the U.K., it's also taking place in Australia. Dozens of the circles appeared in a field of sorghum overnight, accompanied by loud "zapping noises" and a flash of green light. The electrical... continued