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Doomsday Postponed Until Thursday
May 18, 2003The Japanese Panawave group that believed the end of the world was due May 15 when Planet X would pass close to the Earth, has now revised the date and says this will occur on Thursday, May 22. The 1,200... continued
Russia Practices Nuking U.S.
May 18, 2003Moscow's Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reports that the Russian military is playing wargames in which their strategic bombers and nuclear submarines "will deliver hypothetical nuclear strikes on the U.S. and Britain, while locating and destroying aircraft-carrier groups of the U.S. Navy"... continued
Where Did the Egyptians Come From?
May 16, 2003Archeologists have never figured out where the Egyptians came from. Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson says, "They don't seem to have an ancestry, they don't seem to have any period of development, they just seem almost to appear overnight. This has left... continued
How to be Lucky
May 16, 2003Byron Spice writes in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about U.K. researcher Richard Wiseman, who's spent 10 years studying lucky and unlucky people. His conclusion: people can learn how to become luckier. Wiseman says, "People would tell me, 'I'm not psychic, I'm... continued
Why Some Men Make Better Lovers
May 16, 2003Ladies: If you want to celebrate Mother's Day next year, find a symmetrical man. If your boyfriend has different sized feet or one ear larger than the other, his sperm isn't as strong as that of a symmetrical guy. Scientists... continued
Feast & Fast to Stay Healthy & Slim
May 16, 2003Periodic fasting is good for the health and can help you lose weight, even if you gorge afterwards. It's known that mice live longer on a severely restricted calorie diet and it protects them from diseases and stress as well.... continued
Artist Embarrassed About Saddam Pix
May 15, 2003U.S. artist Rowena Morrill says she was shocked to discover her paintings in Saddam Hussein's private collection. Her sister first spotted them on the TV news, hanging on the wall of one of Saddam's palaces, and immediately called Morrill. "I... continued
Why We Haven’t Heard From ET
May 15, 2003Scientists have a theory about why no one has picked up signals from alien civilizations?they may be sending each other secret messages buried in background noise. Walter Simmons and Sandip Pakvasa, of the University of Hawaii, say the one sending... continued
Dolphin DNA Close to Human
May 15, 2003Seema Kumar, of Discovery Channel Online, writes that scientists have discovered that the genetic make-up of dolphins is amazingly similar to humans. They're closer to us than cows, horses or pigs, despite the fact that they live in the water.... continued
Saudis Paid Al-Qaeda Not to Attack
May 15, 2003The Saudi royal family paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda and the Taliban in exchange for an agreement that they wouldn't attack targets in Saudi Arabia. This was clearly a waste of money. The tragedy is not only... continued