Why We Haven’t Heard From ET

May 15, 2003
Scientists have a theory about why no one has picked up signals from alien civilizations?they may be sending each other secret messages buried in background noise. Walter Simmons and Sandip Pakvasa, of the University of Hawaii, say the one sending... continued

Dolphin DNA Close to Human

May 15, 2003
Seema Kumar, of Discovery Channel Online, writes that scientists have discovered that the genetic make-up of dolphins is amazingly similar to humans. They're closer to us than cows, horses or pigs, despite the fact that they live in the water.... continued

Saudis Paid Al-Qaeda Not to Attack

May 15, 2003
The Saudi royal family paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda and the Taliban in exchange for an agreement that they wouldn't attack targets in Saudi Arabia. This was clearly a waste of money. The tragedy is not only... continued

Why the Record Number of Tornadoes?

May 15, 2003
Henry Willis, author of Earth's Future Climate, says, "The first two weeks of May this year saw the largest cluster of tornadoes in the Midwestern U.S. since record keeping began in 1950. In a ten day period of time, 384... continued

Betty Andreasson Star Language Decoded!

May 15, 2003
What's going on behind the scenes in UFO research? We're beginning a searching new series of interviews with UFO researchers, some famous like Stanton Friedman, others less well known, but doing unique and important work in the field. Our first... continued

Time Slows Down for Ex-Smokers

May 13, 2003
People who try quit smoking experience a slower sense of passing time, just when they wish it would go more quickly. This may be due to the effects of nicotine withdrawal on the brain. Researcher Laura Cousino Klein says, "The... continued

People Get Nicer as They Get Older

May 13, 2003
Researchers have found that people get nicer as they get older. This contradicts earlier studies showing that people's personalities don't change after around age 30, due to genetic programming. Scientists studied 132,000 people between the ages of 21 and 60.... continued

North Pole on the Move

May 13, 2003
The magnetic North Pole is leaving Canada and will eventually wind up in Russia. Larry Newitt, of the Geological Survey of Canada, says, "Although it has been moving north or northwest for a hundred years, it is not going to... continued

Record Number of Tornadoes Tied to Global Warming

May 13, 2003
There have already been a record-breaking number of tornadoes in the U.S.?almost 400?and the tornado season isn't over until July. The last record was 188 in 1999. ''It's the longest stretch of outbreaks that I can recall,'' says meteorologist Dan... continued

New Uses for Viagra

May 13, 2003
Viagra is good for treating pulmonary hypertension, an often deadly form of high blood pressure that affects the lungs. This isn't as strange as it sounds, since Viagra was originally created to treat the chest pain of angina by opening... continued