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People Get Nicer as They Get Older
May 13, 2003Researchers have found that people get nicer as they get older. This contradicts earlier studies showing that people's personalities don't change after around age 30, due to genetic programming. Scientists studied 132,000 people between the ages of 21 and 60.... continued
North Pole on the Move
May 13, 2003The magnetic North Pole is leaving Canada and will eventually wind up in Russia. Larry Newitt, of the Geological Survey of Canada, says, "Although it has been moving north or northwest for a hundred years, it is not going to... continued
Record Number of Tornadoes Tied to Global Warming
May 13, 2003There have already been a record-breaking number of tornadoes in the U.S.?almost 400?and the tornado season isn't over until July. The last record was 188 in 1999. ''It's the longest stretch of outbreaks that I can recall,'' says meteorologist Dan... continued
Dogs Killed Due to SARS Fears
May 12, 2003While viruses can mutate and spread from animals to man, there's no evidence this has ever happened between dogs and humans, and we can't catch diseases directly from dogs (or vice-versa). The only thing they can give us is fleas... continued
Fifth Plane Planned to Hit White House on 911
May 12, 2003FBI agents who interrogating captured al-Qaeda terrorists have learned there was a plan to highjack a 5th jet on September 11, that was supposed to be crashed into the White House. "Many, many people are saying many interesting things," says... continued
Anthrax Killer’s Equipment Found
May 12, 2003The mystery of the 2001 anthrax attacks on government offices and the media has pretty much been forgotten, despite the fact that most of the evidence points to an inside job by a U.S. bioweapons scientist. Now Marilyn Thompson writes... continued
Saddam Billion May be in France
May 12, 2003The U.S. Treasury Dept. is searching for the $1 billion stolen by Saddam Hussein just before the war, and believes it's hidden in Syria, Lebanon?or France. The U.S. military found $600 million in Saddam's palaces and $200 million in an... continued
A Cat Fur Coat?
May 9, 2003Cats and dogs are being farmed for fur in Europe and Asia. It's thought that hundreds of thousands of cat and dog skins are traded in Europe each year, often mislabeled and sold as the furs of exotic or mythical... continued
Meteors Take Same Route Close to Earth
May 9, 2003A meteor that exploded over central Europe in 2002 had almost the identical orbit as a meteorite that fell to Earth in 1959. Despite this, the two meteorites were not similar in composition, so they didn't have the same origin.... continued
Deafness Epidemic Coming Up
May 9, 2003Three out of four young people who go to clubs or concerts regularly experience signs of hearing damage afterwards, such as ringing in their ears, and risk having permanent deafness by middle age. The future generation may think of hearing... continued