With Artificial Eggs, Two Men Can be Parents

May 8, 2003
Scientists believe they can create both eggs and sperm from either male or female stem cells. It's worked with mice and Japanese scientists think it will work for humans too. This would mean that, for the first time, a male... continued

Mystery Lights are Really Far Away

May 8, 2003
Scientists have long been baffled by the Min Min lights in the Australian outback, which seem to follow travelers for long distances. Researcher Jack Pettigrew says, "The Min Min light seems to have magical qualities, sometimes following observers, even as... continued

Mysterious Storms Hitting U.S.

May 7, 2003
A season of increasingly bizarre and violent weather has continued with devastating tornadoes in the United States on May 4-5, with the storm system rebuilding on May 6. These storms have devastated communities in Kansas, Missouri, Georgia and Tennessee, and... continued

Tea is Good?and Bad?for You

May 7, 2003
Drinking tea is both good and bad for you. How can that be? Regular tea boosts the immune system (unlike coffee), but herbal tea contains acids that eat away tooth enamel. Regular tea contains chemicals called alkylamine antigens, which are... continued

UFO Over Baghdad

May 7, 2003
A UFO may have been seen over Baghdad and one researcher managed to tape a UFO in England. The Baghdad UFO could be seen for 3 hours in the sky before it disappeared, while the U.K. one wasn't seen at... continued

French Help Saddam Henchmen Escape

May 7, 2003
Under threat from the U.S., Syria has recently kicked out most of the Iraqi officials who fled there. But how did they get to other countries? According to the Washington Times, the French government secretly supplied them with passports that... continued

Mice & Birds are a Lot Like Us

May 6, 2003
We feel more rapport with animals every day?we now know that mice construct road signs so they can find their way around and birds can be duped by "advertising." Pavel Stopka and David Macdonald wondered how wood mice find their... continued

Pope’s Health Mysteriously Improved

May 6, 2003
Until recently, 82-year-old Pope John Paul was so frail that some photographers declined to take pictures of him, out of kindness. His voice was so weak that he could hardly be heard or understood, and many in the Vatican thought... continued

Where Future Water Wars Will Be

May 6, 2003
The Interior Department says Las Vegas, Carson City, Nev., Albuquerque, N.M., Denver, Houston and Salt Lake City will experience water shortages by 2025. They say, "In some areas of the West, existing water supplies are, or will be, inadequate to... continued

Cell Phones Really are a Hazard on Planes

May 6, 2003
When cell phone use was banned on planes, many of us thought the airlines were just trying to make money by forcing us to use those expensive phones built into the seat in front of us. But a pilot website... continued