Cancer-Proof Mouse May Lead to Human Immunity

April 30, 2003
Scientists have discovered a cancer-proof mouse that can survive being injected with cancer cells. If they can figure out how the mice do it, they may be able to develop gene or drug therapies that will make us cancer-proof too.... continued

Kids Get Less Serious SARS

April 30, 2003
One piece of good news about SARS: Children seem to have milder symptoms and be less infectious than adults. Out of 333 people killed by the disease, not one of them has been a child. A study of 10 Hong... continued

Rocks in Your Gas Tank

April 29, 2003
Environmentalists are counting on hydrogen to replace greenhouse gas producing gasoline in cars and trucks, because it's colorless, odorless and its byproduct is water vapor. But hydrogen has such a small molecule that it can easily escape, making it hard... continued

When Words Get in the Way

April 29, 2003
In You Can Be Blind & Not Know It, we reported that people see much less than they realize, which is a problem when police take eyewitness statements. Now research reveals that people's memories of a criminal's face are much... continued

Discovery of New Fertility Vitamin

April 29, 2003
The reason so many women have trouble getting pregnant may be linked to a newly-discovered vitamin. Japanese scientists have discovered a new vitamin that plays an important role in fertility in mice and may have a similar function in humans.... continued

SARS Tourist Detained Against His Will

April 29, 2003
The New York City Health Department detained a foreign tourist against his will for a week after he checked into a hospital with SARS symptoms but refused to be quarantined for the mandatory 10 days. He had stopped in Hong... continued

This May be Mankind’s Final Century

April 27, 2003
U.K. Astronomer Royal Martin Rees says the human race has only a 50/50 chance of surviving another century. In his new book "Our Final Century," he says this will be caused by a combination of natural events, such as global... continued

Archive Threats Come Home to U.S.

April 27, 2003
Robert Fisk writes in the London Independent newspaper: "So yesterday was the burning of books: first came the looters, then the arsonists. It was the final chapter in the sacking of Baghdad. The National Library and Archives ? a priceless... continued

Planet X Approaches…or Not?

April 27, 2003
Planet X is supposed to wreak its havoc on May 15, although now believers appear to be backing not only off that date, but also off the notion that it's going to cause a massive earthly catastrophe. Whitley Strieber weighs... continued

Stella Awards?Real & Fake

April 25, 2003
The Stella Awards are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck, who spilled coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonalds. Stella Awards are given out each year for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the U.S. However, there's a twist: for some... continued