Oklahoma Bombing Linked to Islamic Terrorists

April 24, 2003
The FBI has found evidence that former Iraqi soldiers were involved in the 1995 Oklahoma bombing that killed 185 people. A group of Arab men with links to Iraqi intelligence, Palestinian extremists and possibly al-Qaeda may have used Timothy McVeigh... continued

Mysterious Underwater Platform

April 23, 2003
A mysterious underwater stone platform has been discovered in the Bahamas. Researchers Greg and Lora Little found the huge, three-layered platform lying under just 10 feet of water off northern Andros Island while searching for answers to other underwater mysteries.... continued

Korean Scientists Smuggled to U.S.

April 23, 2003
Twenty of North Korea's best scientists, including nuclear specialists, have defected to the U.S. in a secret smuggling operation through the Pacific island of Nauru. The defections began in October when the scientists first traveled to China and then were... continued

Hurricanes Coming Earlier Than Ever Before

April 23, 2003
Subtropical Storm Ana has hit the north Atlantic Ocean off Bermuda, making this the earliest Atlantic hurricane season in memory. Ana is the first storm of 2003 and one of only two tropical or subtropical storms to form in April... continued

U.S. Botched Saddam Surrender

April 23, 2003
In an ABC news exclusive, former CIA officer Bob Baer, who now works with ABC, says Saddam's intelligence chief tried to arrange Saddam's surrender last week. He contacted Baer, with whom he had secretly worked in the past. "They told... continued

Old Paintings Become 3D

April 22, 2003
Want to walk around inside a great old master painting, rather than just stand back and look at it hanging on the wall? Microsoft has developed a program that lets you have the feeling of literally being inside a religious... continued

Peruvian Town May be Swept Away

April 22, 2003
A flood caused by a crack in a glacier may destroy the city of Huaraz in Peru. The crack has been spotted by a space satellite in a glacier high in the Peruvian Andes that feeds into Lake Palcacocha, at... continued

Cattle Mutilations Starting Up Again

April 22, 2003
Ranchers near Lincoln, Nebraska are experiencing a return of cattle mutilations. The mystery of these mutilations was never solved, despite investigations by law enforcement agencies in dozens of states during the 1970s and '80s. Rancher Mike Benes says, "We've lived... continued

Saddam Alive & Moving Around Iraq

April 22, 2003
The latest on Saddam is that he's still in Iraq and is moving around the country constantly, in order to evade detection, according to Ahmad Chalabi, of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National Congress. He says his group is tracking Saddam, but... continued

Two Amazing Insights on Museum Looting

April 21, 2003
Subscribers: We have a special interview for you with Laurence Gardner, who will be on Dreamland May 10, about the museum looting in Iraq. Peter Levenda writes in his new Insight about the destruction of the Baghdad museum: "This was... continued