U.S. Botched Saddam Surrender

April 23, 2003
In an ABC news exclusive, former CIA officer Bob Baer, who now works with ABC, says Saddam's intelligence chief tried to arrange Saddam's surrender last week. He contacted Baer, with whom he had secretly worked in the past. "They told... continued

Old Paintings Become 3D

April 22, 2003
Want to walk around inside a great old master painting, rather than just stand back and look at it hanging on the wall? Microsoft has developed a program that lets you have the feeling of literally being inside a religious... continued

Peruvian Town May be Swept Away

April 22, 2003
A flood caused by a crack in a glacier may destroy the city of Huaraz in Peru. The crack has been spotted by a space satellite in a glacier high in the Peruvian Andes that feeds into Lake Palcacocha, at... continued

Cattle Mutilations Starting Up Again

April 22, 2003
Ranchers near Lincoln, Nebraska are experiencing a return of cattle mutilations. The mystery of these mutilations was never solved, despite investigations by law enforcement agencies in dozens of states during the 1970s and '80s. Rancher Mike Benes says, "We've lived... continued

Saddam Alive & Moving Around Iraq

April 22, 2003
The latest on Saddam is that he's still in Iraq and is moving around the country constantly, in order to evade detection, according to Ahmad Chalabi, of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National Congress. He says his group is tracking Saddam, but... continued

Inuit Diet Now Poisoned

April 21, 2003
The Inuit people of Greenland eat mainly polar bears, seals and whales. While this may seem too high fat for us, they actually have one of the healthiest diets on the planet. However, man-made toxins are building up in these... continued

Two Amazing Insights on Museum Looting

April 21, 2003
Subscribers: We have a special interview for you with Laurence Gardner, who will be on Dreamland May 10, about the museum looting in Iraq. Peter Levenda writes in his new Insight about the destruction of the Baghdad museum: "This was... continued

Time Traveler Trades Stocks? Don’t Invest in It!

April 20, 2003
Federal investigators have arrested investor Andrew Carlssin, who claims to be a time traveler from the year 2256, and says this is why he's had such incredible success in the stock market. The Security and Exchange Commission says, "We don't... continued

SARS Contained in U.S. & Parts of Canada?So Far

April 20, 2003
There are fewer cases of SARS in the U.S. than was previously thought. The number of SARS cases dropped from 208 to 35, thanks to new techniques for identifying SARS. CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding says, "I think we did... continued

Russia Spied for Saddam

April 20, 2003
Top secret documents found in bombed intelligence headquarters in Baghdad reveal that Russia spied for Saddam Hussein in the months leading up to the war, including listening in on private conversations between Tony Blair and other Western leaders. Moscow gave... continued