The US Agriculture Department has announced that a secondpossible case of mad cow disease has appeared in the UnitedStates. Officials would not say where the possible case wasdiscovered, but earlier information suggested that such acase might be taking place in or near Ulster County, NY.
However, until an official determination is made about thiscase, the location of the animal will not be divulged. USDAhas said that the animal has been tested twice, and bothtimes has returned a positive result. According to USDA, thequick test can cause false positives.
It is possible that this animal does not have mad cowdisease, because of the very real possibility that the quicktest can create false positives, and USDA screening usingthis test has been expanded to a hundred thousand animals.According to USDA, this means that false positives arealmost inevitable.
The animal’s brain has been sent to the USDA lab at AmesIowa for a longer test that will not return a falsepositive. If the presence of the disease in the animal isconfirmed, it will mark the second case found in the US inthe past year. The first was found in Washington State inFebruary of this year. SUBSCRIBERS got the inside story on thatfirst case of mad cow from Dave Louthan, the slaughterhouseworker who actually identified the animal! You can listen tothis and over a hundred other special interviews just ascontroversial and informative by subscribing now.
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