Peter and Mark Elmer have figured out the route Moses took to lead the Jews out of Egypt 3,000 years ago. Neither of them are trained archeologists?Peter is a mechanic in the U.K. and Mark makes surgical appliances there. There’s a lot of skepticism about the exodus and many scholars think it never actually took place. Also, today’s Red Sea is not the same one the Jews crossed (if they did), and it was mistranslated in the King James Bible anyway: it’s actually the “Reed Sea”?or marsh.

But none of this stopped the Elmer brothers, who, along with experienced diver Aaron Sen, went to Nuweiba beach in Egypt, where they discovered a mass of coral which had grown over chariot parts. Peter says, “There was coral growth that matched the shape and size of the hub of a chariot. We also picked up a chariot wheel itself.”

In, Joe Kovacs quotes Elmer as saying, “I believe I actually sat in an ancient chariot cab. Without question, it is most definitely the remains of the Egyptian army.”

“All kinds of people are finding coral and calling it chariot parts,” says Richard Rives of Wyatt Archeological Research in Tennessee. “It’s most likely coral covered with coral.” The late Ron Wyatt spent years searching for physical evidence for the events in the Bible. In addition to chariot wheels, Wyatt claimed to have found Noah’s Ark on the mountain next to Ararat in Turkey, the “real” Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia and the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments near the site of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Wyatt’s wife, Mary Nell, says there are chariot parts on a land bridge that connects Egypt to Saudi Arabia through the Gulf of Aqaba, because Ron found a wheel hub there in the 1970s. It had the remains of eight spokes and was examined by Nassif Mohammed Hassan, director of Antiquities in Cairo, who said it was from the Egyptian Dynasty.

“The truth is, no one really knows where the crossing of the Red Sea took place,” says U.S. Biblical scholar Carl Rasmussen, who thinks it was somewhere near the current Suez Canal.

Then there’s the question of how the waters parted to let the Jews through. “The wind did not separate the water,” says Swedish researcher Lennart Moller. “No person could be in that wind and survive…” He doesn?t agree with most scholars that the Hebrew “yum suph” means “sea of reeds”?he says it refers specifically to the Gulf of Aqaba.

Peter Elmer says people ask him, “Why should a forklift mechanic?be able to go to the same place Moses was?” He replies, “Jesus used fishermen, tax collectors and publicans. Why not a forklift mechanic?”

Their finds are now at Cairo University and have been dated to around 3,500 year ago, the period of the Israelites’ flight from Egypt.

There’s a history secret hidden in the British Museum that would blow the lid of current Middle Eastern politics.

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