An article in National Geographic defines the multiverse as “a term that scientists use to describe the idea that beyond the observable universe, other universes may exist as well. Multiverses are predicted by several scientific theories that describe different possible scenarios—from regions of space in different planes than our universe, to separate bubble universes that are constantly springing into existence.”

Currently, evidence supporting the concept of the multiverse is theoretical.  Philosophers and experts have hypotheses surrounding the coincidence of The Big Bang having created this universe so perfectly suited for the planet Earth and its surrounding solar systems, and our conceptually infinite Universe.  But could there be Multiple imprints in the fabric of time just like ours… The idea of catching even a glimpse of a trace of this is really really exciting.  

The common thread connecting all ideas of the multiverse is that they reinforce the idea that our reality as we perceive it as sentient beings on this planet is not the only possible perception of reality out there.  These realities are all overlapping in other dimensions inaccessible by conventional means. MIT’s Max Tegmark calls this a Level III multiverse, in which multiple scenarios play out in interconnected realities branching off like tributaries – which begs a greater question, what is the Source?

Scientists have long debated if the multiverse is an empirically testable theory;
A new adventure in Quantum Physics hopes to reveal scars of collisions with other universes.  If the experiment is successful, these traces could show up in radiation from the big bang.
These experiments aim to mirror these collisions in order to help us look for them.   
Zoran Hadzibabic is conducting experiments of Quantum Physics that may reveal traces of fissures, like wrinkles in Time, leading to these other worlds.
According to a brief bio found on the University of Cambridge’s website, Hadzibabic specializes in “novel collective quantum phenomena which can be studied using ultracold atomic gases as highly controllable strongly correlated many-body systems.”
The Hadzibabic Group lists the purpose of these studies as the use of “ultracold (nanokelvin) quantum gases as highly controllable systems to study novel many-body physics. We are particularly interested in superfluidity, non-equilibrium phenomena, and the effects of reduced dimensionality. We are interested both in shedding new light on outstanding problems in conventional condensed matter systems (such as He superfluids and high-Tc superconductors) and in completely new collective phenomena which are of theoretical interest but have so far had no experimental realization.”
One recent experiment published by the American Physical Society implicates the use of “bound-state spectroscopy and loss spectroscopy” to pinpoint eight intrastate, simultaneously existing, Fleshbach resonances.  The resulting overlapping states are not far from implicating overlapping, or even interconnected, realities…  
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