Russia reports that the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command has signed an agreement with EKIP Aviation in Russia to co-produce a flying saucer-shaped aircraft that was developed in 1992. They say the new planes will be ready in a few years, but from recent Middle Eastern UFO sightings, we suspect the unmanned version is already being used as a spy plane.
Why a saucer-shaped plane? It doesn’t require a long runway and can land almost anywhere. The shape gets rid of vibration, which is a big problem with conventional aircraft design.
The first saucers built under the new agreement will be unmanned vehicles. The article doesn’t explain how these will be used, but we suspect they may be spy vehicles destined for the Middle East, which means there will be many new UFO reports from that area.
Could this already be happening? The Washington Times that UFOs have been spotted recently in Iran. The Iranian news agency IRNA says UFOs were seen twice over major Iranian cities, and people poured out of buildings to watch them. The first one had violet, green, red and blue lights and was seen for an hour. The second had with white and blue lights and was seen for 20 minutes, before it disappeared. But if they’re spy planes, why the lights?
Whether UFOs are flown by spies or aliens, remember that we are part of a greater existence, and the mark of our creator is contained in every living cell.
To see photo of Russian flying saucer, click here.
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