The Saudi newspaper al-Watan says Christian fundamentalismis just as dangerous to international peace and security asIslamic fundamentalism. It says the international mediaconcentrates only on Muslim fundamentalism, ignoring thefact that Christian fundamentalism is just as dangerous.
The Saudi press thinks the influence of Christian extremistsin America has increased since the 911. It feels Christianfundamentalism is especially dangerous because it wants toinfluence American foreign policy to further its own interests.
Another newspaper, The Saudi Gazette, says Christianfundamentalists in the U.S. are raising a “dust of hatred”about Saudi Arabia, and it called on President Bush tocontrol religious leaders who are trying to incite with theMiddle East.
This month, the Prayer Group prays that we will act inloving ways through our religions, rather than using them asan excuse for hate. To join in the prayer,click here.
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