While the rest of us swelter, or shelter from the latest storm, climatologists are using supercomputers the size of small buildings to track global warming. And no matter how much the government wants to deny reality, a new international poll reveals that most people know that the future is here?and it’s HOT.
Bill Blakemore writes in ABC News that a gigantic computer at NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado is working overtime, tracking the weather, and that is makes “the computers we were using for global warming predictions back in the 1980s look primitive.” It?s so big you can walk around inside it. Blakemore says, “With green and blue for cooler temperatures, scientists?can watch the digitized projectors paint the globe, starting in 1870. Along about 1990, the globe grows yellower ? warmer?and is entirely yellow by 2001.” These computers portray the US in 2051 as entirely red.
As if carbon dioxide emissions from cars and power plants weren?t bad enough, along the California coast methane?the worst greenhouse gas of all?has started to bubble up from the ocean floor and escape into the atmosphere. Scientists know this set off global warming events in the past, but they don’t know why this is happening now.
Drought AND floods are both signs of global warming. Where did Whitley and Art get the information that forms the basis for their groundbreaking book, which was made into the hit film The Day After Tomorrow? Only those in the know have the Key to this secret. Don’t count on the government to prevent global warming?there are many important things that YOU can do. To learn some of them, click here and scroll down.YOU can also fight climate change by supporting those of us who get the REAL news out about what’s REALLY going on. And if you want to know more about what’s happening, don’t miss this week’s Dreamland. (The Communion Letters is part of our big summer blowout sale). Subscribers get EVEN BIGGER SAVINGS so subscribe today.
Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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