Cheryl Hersha told Dreamland listeners of her horrific experiences as a government mind control victim on our March 25 Childhood Special. The book she wrote about her experiences with her sister Lynn Secret Weapons, has now become a Dreamland bestseller. We are taking the unusual step of including this as a news item, because only public pressure is going to help these people get the documents they so urgently need.
It’s easy to understand why this powerful story has drawn so much interest. It makes riveting reading, and it points to a shadowy cold-war abuse that is as much in need of exposure as the use of unwitting participants in LSD and radiation experiments. The author of the Plutonium Files won the Pulitzer prize for her work, and the MK-ULTRA story has been a matter of public record for thirty years.
Documentation about the use and abuse of children has been withheld. The survivors are devastated human beings, many of them, and they need access to the same kind of proof that brought the radiation survivors an apology from the President of the United States. Secret Weapons brings that day a little closer.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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