Archeologists have found a new way to locate hidden rooms inside ancient pyramids. In Teotihuacan, Mexico, they’ve built a particle detector inside a pyramid to detect muons, which are tiny particles that are created when cosmic rays hit the Earth’s atmosphere. They travel near the speed of light and pass through solid objects, leaving tiny traces. By tracking these particles, Arturo Menchaca will be able to locate any hidden spaces inside the pyramid.

In, Claire Marshall quotes Menchaca as saying, “The idea is to try to discover density variations in the pyramid?These cosmic rays are very penetrating radiation. Some of them go through this pyramid, and some of them are absorbed. The amount which is absorbed depends on the material which it finds. If we find more muons than we expect, then there is less matter in that part of the pyramid.” This could indicate the location of a burial chamber.

Reporter Maria Elena Matadama says, “Everyone climbs up and down the pyramids without understanding what happened there. We must understand that they were cities?like the city of Mexico.”

Dr Arnulfo Martinez says, “This is original plaster?you can see the fingerprints of the people who layered it there. What’s exciting is that we are using cosmic debris to uncover an ancient Mexican mystery.”

Mysterious artifacts have been discovered in ancient dwelling places.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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