On Dreamland this week for subscribers, UFO researcher Brian Vike gets us up-to-date with Part II of his report on the continuing problems for the Canadian family that had a missing time experience, which has led to their mysterious medical problems, as well as other amazing UFO sightings and encounters. Read on for Brian’s report on some of the details.
Brian says: Since July 31, 2003, after an UFO encounter, missing time and disturbing episodes which followed, one of the women has continued to have some medical problems. Cynthia continues to have a constant feeling of pressure on her head and is becoming worse as the days and weeks go by. This feeling of pressure has now moved into her neck.
On November 8, 2003 Cynthia, while at her home, became cold as her body temperature dropped to 35.2 C (normal temperature is 37
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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