Newswise – Swimming in the cold water of the ocean or a lake instead ofin the warm water of a swimming pool can increase yourappetite, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds. Thiscould be why swimmers, as compared to dieters who do otherforms of exercise, lose less weight. Researcher Lesely Whitesays,”A study] reported that women who swam did not lose asmuch weight as those who jogged or cycled.”
According to White, “?It may not be the exercise itself thatcauses the problem?rather it?s the increased eating afterthe exercise is over?[However,] water exercise is anexcellent activity for many people, particularly those withjoint disorders, thermal regulatory problems and balance orcoordination difficulties.”
White tracked the energy used by 11 college students, aged21 to 31, as they rode a stationary bicycle submerged inwater for 45 minutes. The students exercised in cold waterof 68 degrees Fahrenheit and warm water of 91.4 degreesFahrenheit. The study found the students used a similaramount of energy during the exercises, 517 calories in thecold water and 505 in the warm water.
White says, “We found that during the recovery perio, whenthe subjects had access to an assortment of foods, thatsignificantly more calories were eaten after exercise incold water compared to exercise in warm water or at rest.”
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The problem with exercising is that afterwards, we’restill hungry.
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