The Tasmanian Mercury newspaper says their own Loch Ness monster has mysteriously reappeared in the middle of Lake Dulverton. ?People are pointing fingers everywhere,? says Tony Cawthorn, of the Friends of Lake Dulverton. ?But it?s a mystery how she got there.?
Local businessman Albert Darkin went down to the lake after customers talked about seeing a hump-backed monster in the water and says, ?It?s Nessie alright,? he says.
A visitor to the lake says, ?I think I saw her move.?
Years ago, the lake was a popular place for rowing, swimming, fishing, sailing and water-skiing. But in the 1980s, there wasn?t enough rain to prevent evaporation. The lake dried up and became an eyesore, and it has stayed that way for 14 years. In the 1990s, the town decided to revive the lake, and locals helped build a dam wall and lay a pipe to pump in water. The lake slowly returned to life. There?s suspicion that rumors of the local Nessie were created to bring tourists back to the area.
But Cawthorn says tourists were coming back before the Nessie sightings. ?People are really coming back, for windsurfing, kayaking, and just to enjoy,? he says.
To learn more about this, read ?Monsters? by John Michael Greer, click here.
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