We can get back to REAL SCIENCE again – Matthew 15:31 says, “The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing.” In those days it was miracles. Today it is stem cells!
Now that President Obama has OK’d stem cell research again, scientists may be able to create a stem cell that can restore hearing to deaf people, which is especially important now that he’s also bringing so many soldiers home. Stem cells may also help CURE the biggest cause of blindness in the world.
In the UK, scientists took stem cells from embryos and converted them into cells that behave like sensory hair cells in the human inner ear. At the moment, damage to hair cells in the ear, usually caused by loud noise, is irreversible. Their discovery could ultimately help those who have lost hair cells through noise damage and some people born with inherited hearing problems.
BBC News quotes researcher David McAlpine as saying, “Is this the ultimate upgrade for the iPod generation?” Many young people have hearing loss from listening to loud rock music through ear buds.
Meanwhile, British scientists have also found a stem cell therapy to cure the most common cause of blindness that they think will eventually become a routine, one-hour procedure like Lasik, a laser procedure which corrects certain common sight problems, is now.
In the London Times, Sarah-Kate Templeton quotes Tom Bremridge, of the Macular Disease Society, as saying, “This is a huge step forward for patients. Once this treatment is validated, it will be made available to a huge volume of patients.”
Templeton quotes Pete Coffey of the London Project to Cure Blindness, as saying that the treatment would take “less than an hour, so it really could be considered as an outpatient procedure. We are trying to get it out as a common therapy.”
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