Greenland isn’t the only place where glaciers are in trouble: While the TOP of the Earth is melting, the BOTTOM of the Earth–the Antarctic–is in trouble too. The polar regions are the most sensitive places on Earth to climate change, so what happens in Antarctica affects the entire Earth, in ways that we have yet to completely understand.
For instance, Antarctica contains over 90% of the fresh water in the world, all of it locked up in huge ice sheets. If they melt, coastal areas–and even entire countries–could drown, and the area is experiencing the fastest winter warming of any place on Earth.. 87% of its and-bound glaciers are melting.
The Southern Ocean acts as a natural carbon "sink," absorbing atmospheric CO2 from all over the world. However, in recent decades it has become less efficient in this, because increasing westerly winds have caused an increase in CO2-rich water from other areas, making it unable to any more.
Carbon dioxide causes the ocean water to become more acidic–something which has a significant effect on the species of animals that live there.. 80% of the population of Adelie penguins that live there has decreased since 1975 because of loss of sea ice.
On the Watchers website, "Chillymanjaro" writes: "We must become aware of changes that we are facing right now, globally and one of the best ways is to observe the changes in pristine parts of our planet, because these places are the storytellers of future things to come."
In 1998, Whitley Strieber had never HEARD about any of this, but the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all about it, which led to his bestselling book "Superstorm."
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