I am reducing the price of the Key because the book is giving a lot of its owners, me included, a great deal of comfort during the crisis. Effective immediately, the price is $13.95 instead of $19.95.
Owners of the Key have been writing me that the book has been a tremendous inspiration to them during these terribledays. I am so grateful now that I managed to get the book done when I did. It has been an inspiration to me, too. I find myself reading the words of the Master of the Key at night before I go to sleep.
What he gave us that is so valuable is a magnificent perspective on the nature of the human experience and, above all, just what it means to be human and the profound dignity of human life.
He makes things so incredibly clear, and some of his ideas, because they are so new, are somehow, at this time, deeply comforting. It is wonderful to see, in this dark hour, that we have a path ahead of us, that there are higher levels of spirit and self still available to us. He makes all this so very clear.
I think that there is a very real need for the Key in many lives. It can help people. I wish that I could give it away free, but that is not possible for me financially. This is what I can do. To get it, click here or call 1-800-898-0284 9-5 Pacific Time during the week.
Whitley Strieber
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