That asteroid that hit the earth 13,000 years ago was a killer, all right–it triggered an ice age that wiped out most of the large animals on Earth. Melted glass buried deep within the Earth at sites around the world confirms the theory that a comet or meteor was responsible.
In the June 12th edition of the Los Angeles Times, Thomas H. Maugh II writes: "The Younger Dryas event began about 12,900 years ago and lasted about 1,300 years.
"The period is named after the alpine-tundra wildflower, Dryas octopetala, which spread southward during the period. Average temperatures during the period dropped by as much as 20 degrees Fahrenheit in Europe, perhaps a little less in North America.
"The period marked the end of the mammoths, giant ground sloths and other large creatures that had earlier wandered North America. Artifacts from the Clovis culture, whose members are believed to be among the earliest settlers of this continent, disappeared from the archaeological record."
Melted glass, similar to that could only have been formed at very high temperatures. The glass, similar to that observed following the Trinity nuclear test explosion in New Mexico, was formed at temperatures of 3,100 to 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit, which would have been reached during an impact from space. This layer of glass covers a third of the planet.
No wonder we’re nervous about next December! (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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