If you’re a man who’s planning on joining a social network, you may wish you had more hair. If Rogaine didn’t do it for you, it may be because you’re under stress. It has been long known that stress plays a part not just in the graying of hair but in hair loss as well. A team of researchers that was investigating how stress affects gastrointestinal function may have found a chemical compound that induces hair growth by blocking a stress-related hormone associated with hair loss–entirely by accident.
And other researchers have discovered a solution for the devastating loss of hair that affects chemotherapy patients. Medical researcher Million Mulugeta says, "Our findings show that a short-duration treatment with this compound causes an astounding long-term hair regrowth in chronically stressed mutant mice. This could open new venues to treat hair loss in humans through the modulation of the stress hormone receptors, particularly hair loss related to chronic stress and aging." Of particular interest was the short duration of the treatments: Just one shot per day for five consecutive days maintained the effects for up to four months. "This is a comparatively long time, considering that mice’s life span is less than two years," Mulugeta says. So far, this effect has been seen only in mice. Whether it also happens in humans remains to be seen, said the researchers, who also treated the bald mice with minoxidil (Rogaine) alone, which resulted in mild hair growth, as it does in humans.
Meanwhile, a group of scientists have invented scalp cooling cap that breast cancer patients can wear while undergoing chemotherapy treatment, which they hope will prevent the baldness which is such an unfortunate side-effect of this lifesaving treatment. Researcher Susan Melin says, "One of the first questions my patients ask is whether they will lose their hair with the chemotherapy recommended for their breast cancer. Preventing chemotherapy-induced hair loss by using the scalp cooling cap may relieve severe psychological and emotional stress and improve the patient’s quality of life."
While few women want to experience baldness themselves, most of females we know are just fine with male baldness–it’s the men it seems to bother the most–but then, we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But almost ALL of us find obesity unattractive, which is why Anne Strieber wrote her diet book. When she found her clothes were getting too tight she thought they had all shrunk, until she realized she had gained weight due to Type II diabetes, a genetic condition that manifests in late middle age and makes it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it. She not only discovered WHY some of us have this gene, but what to do about it, and after three years of diet and exercise, she managed to lose 100 pounds–and YOU can too! This isn’t an advice book written by a doctor or celebrity, it’s a diet book written by a REAL DIETER, who sympathizes with what you’re going through that has helped thousands of people to shed those unwanted pounds.
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