Mt. Etna in Italy, Mt. Popopocatapetl in Mexico, and Mt. Cameroon in the Cameroons have all experienced activity in recent days (June 7, 2000). Mt. Popocatapetl ejected ash to 18,000 feet on May 23, 2000, then again on June 6, 2000. Popo has been active for some years, and there is concern that a major eruption could occur, although vulcanologists do not feel that the current activity indicates that this is imminent.
There was a substantial explosion from Mt. Etna on June one, with an ash column that reached 6,000 feet. Etna experiences frequent small eruptions, and the last major eruption was in 1992. The eruption observed on June 1 was much larger than usual, but not a major eruption.
Mt. Cameroon has been ejecting lava since May 31, but no inhabited areas have been affected. Vulcanologists do not believe that the activity is very important. In April of 1999, Mt. Cameroon ejected a lava flow that displaced thousands of people and destroyed farmland.
The level of volcanic activity, like the level of earthquake activity, is higher worldwide than usual.
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