Mysterious black triangles have been reported in Canada andMaryland, and now Dr. Mark Olson of Sonora, California hastaken spectacular video oftwo of them. Asighting of a huge black triangle was reported over West Hollywood, California onFebruary 5, but no images were obtained. Black triangleshave been a feature of UFO sightings at least since theseventies, and are responsible for some of the mostspectacular sightings ever recorded, among them the passageof an enormous triangle across Arizona during thePhoenixLights event in March of 1977.

A black triangle was spotted in the sky over Maryland on

February 9. As is usual with these sightings, there were nolights on the UFO and it was totally silent?the witnesssimply saw a black triangle shape that blotted out the starsin the night sky.

Mysterious black triangles have been part of UFO folklorefor years. Sightings of low-flying and silent aircraft arescattered across websites dedicated to the study ofother-worldly activity.

The National Institute for Discovery Science, a groupdevoted to the study of unexplained phenomena, has gatheredhundreds of reports from across U.S. and Canada of similaraircraft, often flying in high-population areas near majorinterstates.

One theory holds that the black triangles are experimentalmilitary blimps or balloons, perhaps equipped withelectrokinetic propulsion systems, which would make themsilent. The military has never confirmed the existence ofsuch balloons, but according to many UFO websites, LockheedMartin did begin work on a triangular stealth blimp in 1982.NIDS issued a report in August 2004 suggesting that theblack triangles may be some kind of military aircraft,though the truth about them is not known.

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