Evidence has been found in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq that a group linked to al-Qaeda called Ansar al-Islam was producing three types of chlorine gas, as well as ricin. Documents and equipment were found in the rubble of an bombed facility that is described as “a cookbook and kitchen” for chemical weapons. Other items included latex gloves, penicillin, a freezer and lab equipment. Two suspected al-Qaeda terrorists escaped into Iran but surrendered to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Iran says it will hand over captured Ansar terrorists, but they haven’t done it yet. “We asked the Iranian authorities to hand over to us any of the Afghan Arabs or Islamic militants hiding themselves inside the villages of Iran,” says Boorhan Saeed, a pro-U.S. Kurdish fighter. “We asked them about it Sunday, and still don’t have a response.”
Coalition troops have also found computer discs containing evidence of meetings between Ansar and al-Qaeda. They’ve also found passports and identity papers of Ansar activists showing that 150 of them were foreigners, including Yemenis, Turks, Palestinians, Pakistanis, Algerians and Iranians. They also found a phone book that may contain numbers of Islamic terrorists based in the U.S. and Europe.
It’s long been known that some Kurds were harboring Islamic terrorists, but Kurdistan has been out of the control of Saddam Hussein for a long time, so this is not proof that Iraq has been working with al-Qaeda.
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