As has become a tradition on Inauguration Day, the official website for the White House,, was updated at noon to reflect the policies of the incoming administration, lead by President Donald J. Trump. While the headings under the "Issues" menu were updated to include the promises made by Trump during his campaign, there were a number of important issues that conspicuously went missing, notably the headings for Climate Change, Health Care and Civil Rights.

The issue of climate is only addressed under the new "America First Energy Plan" — specifically, Trump’s plans to eliminate "harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule", claiming that eliminating the restrictions that these programs impose will substantially increase the wages of U.S. workers. All mention of the issues of Civil Rights and Healthcare have been removed entirely.

The "America First Energy Plan" continues to outline Trump’s intent to " take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands" — these federal lands presumably would also include protected reserves. Reviving America’s coal industry is also part of the outline, in a bid to achieve "energy independence from the OPEC cartel and any nations hostile to our interests". Currently, roughly 7.4 percent of the petroleum used in the U.S. comes from OPEC member countries, with only a little under four percent coming from the Persian Gulf itself.

The White House website’s previous incarnation is still available for viewing, as numerous organizations have archived the site, with the official archive being found at While substantial changes to the website are traditional with a change in administration, this change is more notable for it’s reflection on the policies of President Trump and his Chiefs of Staff. 

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