UFONews1 – Reprinted from UFONews1:
KING-5 TV News (Seattle) reports that a casting of the lower portion of the creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch has been obtained by a team of 14 researchers who had been tracking the beast deep into the mountains of the Northwest for a week.
Researcher Derek Randels, one of the team members, said they almost missed the opportunity to get the cast. The team stumbled upon a deep impression in the ground and realized it must have been created by a Sasquatch as it was lying down, possibly stretching to reach some fruitThe team created a 250 pound casting of what they believe to be the lower part of the creature’s body. The imprint in the ground, which appears to include markings of the creature’s body hair, was just a few hours old according to Thermal imaging readings.
This particular Bigfoot is estimated to be between seven and eight feet tall with a body weight of nearly 1000 pounds. Hair samples were collected and will be sent to a lab for DNA testing. The researchers also obtained audio recording of what they believe to be the howling sounds made by the great beast. The sound recording will also be sent out for analysis.
For the KING-TV 5 news story and photos, click here.
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