Check out the Great Sales! section of our store for these special books about UFOs?all marked down from their original prices (which were discounted to start with). Some of them are no longer available from publishers, so there are only a few of these left. Keep reading to find out which titles are on sale.

John Greenewald started requesting Freedom of Information documents on UFOs while he was still in high school, and has amassed proof that the government takes this subject seriously. Don’t miss his book Beyond UFO Secrecy and his Black Vault CD.

Nick Redfern asks why, if there’s no evidence of UFOs, the government is so darned interested in them?and in phenomena like crop circles as well. His Strange Secrets probes this mystery.

Andrew Collins usually writes about secrets of ancient history, so when he tackles the subject of UFOs, you know he’s going to have a special way of looking at them. His Alien Energy is unique.

Speaking of history, there’s evidence, believe it or not, that Hitler invented (or copied?) the UFO. See actual photos in the fascinating book Hitler’s Flying Saucers.

And finally, religious people wonder if UFOs are something Satanic and if also they’re experiencers, they’re often very troubled indeed. Sean Casteel has a lot to say about this problem in UFOs Prophecies and the End of Time.

If you’re looking for unique viewpoints of this fascinating subject, look no further than the bookstore.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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