Military personnel and local civilians are reporting a largenumber of UFOs on the Indian side of the Himalayas. Many ofthese sightings take place in daylight. These vehicles haveno sound, can take off vertically and float without beingaffected by gravity. They also disappear suddenly. Since1998, Indian Air Force pilots have been secretly reportingUFOs in the area.
There are rumors that a landing base is being built underthe hard rocks of Himalayas. The area stretches betweenIndia and China, so either (or both) countries could beinvolved. Increased Indian and Chinese army activities havealso been seen there.
An artificial lake was recently created in China very closeto Indian border. Suddenly, local people say the lake is nolonger there. Meanwhile, the UFO reports continue.
Barbara Hand Clow says she understands the messages onegroup of aliens are giving us and she tells Whitley allabout it on this week’sDreamland.
Todd Michael says the parable of the loaves and fishescontains instructions on how to work miracles and he tellsAnne all about it on this week’sMysteriousPowers.
Stacy Womack discovered anotherElmendorf Beast on her property in Texas and tells Whitleyall about it, just for subscribers. And new subscribers can still get a freeZetaReticuli booklet, but only while supplies last.
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