We at Unknowncountry.com are close to a deployment date for our new website. We expect this date to be in the next two weeks and will keep our users informed both here and in our newsletter. All the great features you’re used to will remain, and our entire archive will stay intact, including all news stories and all programming. It will not be possible to subscribe to the site again until after the new site is deployed. Current subscriber access is unaffected.
The new site will provide a much richer user experience. The free public message board and subscriber chat rooms will both return, and we will be expanding Dreamland and our podcast offering over the next few months.
It is not possible to subscribe now, but when the new site appears, it will be, and we’re looking forward to continue to serve you in this 20th anniversary year of Whitley Strieber and Dreamland on the internet. In that time, he has missed presenting just a handful of episodes of Dreamland.
Unknowncountry’s founder, Anne Strieber made it a daily news website on 9/11, and continued to expand its offering from there. The site has always stood for credible reporting at the edge of science and reality. It does not entertain hoaxes or unsupported speculation at any level, but also exists to report on things that others will not consider, and viewpoints that are outside of the mainstream.
We expect that the new site will make its huge archives more welcoming, both in the free and subscriber areas, and look forward to many more years of consistent and reliable service to our community of readers and listeners.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.