Whitley will be continuing with live YouTube meditations and we have started a Zoom video meeting room for our subscribers. The next live YouTube meditation will be on Thursday at 6PM Pacific Time. It will consist of a 20 minute meditation followed by a Q&A. You will find it in our YouTube Live channel. After the live session, the meditation will appear on our stream. You can visit the stream any time by clicking here.

Regular subscriber chats will take place in the current subscriber chat room as usual on Wednesday nights at 7PM Pacific time. Our first Zoom meeting for our subscriber community will take place on Friday at 6PM Pacific time. To prepare for this, if you will attend on a portable device, you can get the Zoom app in your devices’s app store. There will be a link posted in the subscriber area, and you will be able to join the meeting in the link from your computer or through the app. All meeting IDs will appear in the new Zoom meeting room and will be posted a couple of days prior to the meeting in the Zoom meeting room, which is linked in the Subscriber drop-down menu.

All of Whitley’s summer speaking engagements are suspended until such time as social distancing and senior isolation recommendations are lifted. If the virus lockdown continues into the summer, we will host webinars featuring Whitley and other speakers.

We will also continue to provide coverage of the virus and the way it relates to our community. We have installed Zoom video on the site and will be holding subscriber community gatherings via Zoom. Whitley will continue with meditation sessions on YouTube live, and we will be expanding our video offering extensively. As those of you who have meditated with Whitley know, this is a uniquely powerful, strengthening and calming experience.

Subscribers who find themselves in financial difficulty have only to ask for a time out from payments and they will be able to continue until they can pay again. If you need this help, please email subscribers@unknowncountry.com.

Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.

Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.


  1. Whitley, I am looking forward to this next meditation and feel the importance of doing it collectively. The world we thought we knew a few months ago has changed and I am left wondering if this is part of “A NEW/DIFFERENT WORLD (If We can Take It?”)

  2. For UK based subs is there any chance of an earlier Zoom meeting?? As 7pm is middle of the night for us? Thanks.

  3. “It is not by chance that ye are in a material or earthly consciousness in the present… all activities of the mind, of the body, must be based upon SPIRITUAL things.”  
    Edgar Cayce reading 1754-1

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