Lake Champlain in Vermont has its own “Nessie,” called”Champ.” Five tourists visiting the lake say they saw themonster. Bob Gload says, “I turned around and saw thatexplosion from the water. I saw three humps, two- tothree-feet tall, about four- or five-feet apart.”
In the Plattsburgh, NY Press-Republic, Dan Heath quotesGload as saying, “I was born in Champlain. I never believedin Champ or the Loch Ness monster. I believe now.”
Bob, who now lives in Maryland, was fishing on the lake withfour of his grandchildren at the time. They tried to get tothe camera to take a picture of the critter, but by then ithad slipped back under the water. “We watched, and itresurfaced farther north, then that was it,” Bob says. “Itappeared to be undulating, like the way a snake moves?It wasa very calm day. There were no ripples on the water at all.”
You can solve many mysteries if you’re willing to take anhonest look at thepast.
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