Far Right, Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, Far Left or None of the Above? Vote in our latest poll, so we can find out where you stand. At unknowncountry, we get criticism for being both too liberal and too far right, so it will be interesting to see where most of our readers and listeners are on the political spectrum.
In our last poll we asked you if the U.S. should invade Iraq even without world support and UN approval. It’s too late now, but for the record 65% of you said “No” and 35% said “Yes.”
In general, you are a young, well-educated and prosperous group. You come mostly from developed countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Our third-world strength is in Latin America and China. You are truly international.
We’ll be publishing a detailed profile of you soon. Remember, all responses to our polls are anonymous. When you vote that’s all we record–the vote itself.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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