In our latest poll, we asked you what topics on Dreamland interest you the most. Here’s the list, in order of preference:
1. UFOs and Abductions 2. Lost Worlds of the Past 3. Secret Societies 4. Prophecy 5. Political Conspiracies 6. Psychics 7. Remote Viewing 8. Secrets of Mythology 9. Religion and Philosophy 10. Cryptozoology.
The content of Dreamland depends on what interesting books and authors are out there, and our guests must have good evidence to back up their statements. We don’t talk about UFOs as often as we’d like to because there are very few good books on the subject, probably because so much information is kept secret. Also, science ignores them, so there are few breakthroughs to report. We’re planning future shows on everything from Mayan mysteries to psychic science, so stay tuned!
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