Do our dreams give us messages from our bodies about health problems we may not be aware of? The ancient Greeks thought that dreams contained information that could be used to diagnose disease. With some diseases, specific dreams are more likely to occur; however, people who have the most severe cases of these diseases often say they don’t dream at all.

Dr. Trisha Macnair writes in that men with heart problems often dream about death and dying, while female heart patients dream of separation. Migraine sufferers have dreams containing extreme fears (perhaps because they fear the onset of another headache). People whose brain scans show signs of dementia or brain shrinkage often dream about losing something, especially money or food (ie. something essential).

Victims of stroke, epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease have noted changes in the amount of time they spend dreaming and in the quality of their dreams, which have fewer visual images. They’re also less able to remember their dreams. People with high blood pressure have dreams filled with hostility (one of the causes of their problem?)

Patients with narcolepsy, who find it hard to stay awake, dream about strange and frightening events. People under the influence of alcohol and drugs (including sedatives and antidepressants) have nightmares when the drugs are stopped. Asthma patients have very emotional dreams, perhaps because not being able to breathe is such an emotional experience.

People with psychosomatic illnesses (who tend to “think” they’re sick when they?re not) have dreams filled with aggression, fear and helplessness, which are probably the underlying causes of this condition.

Dreams occur during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is when the brain is most active and our sleep is the deepest. People who are deprived of REM sleep don?t feel as if they?ve slept enough. It occurs roughly every hour to 1? hours, several times a night. REM is tied to bodily changes in temperature, pulse rate, and blood pressure, so the dreams that are produced can actually set off heart attacks, migraine and asthma attacks. In South East Asia there is a rare disorder where men die mysteriously in their sleep, called Pok-Kuri, which may be caused by abnormal heart rhythms during REM sleep.

Lots of people dream of Atlantis, but inspired by Edgar Cayce’s predictions, Greg Little did something about it. And if you watch his wonderful new video, you can see the evidence for yourself.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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