Poor men–they just can’t win. TV ads for a certain baldness cure always show guys with "hot" babes, but a new study suggests that men who take the drug finasteride, commonly marketed under the trademark names Propecia and Proscar, may report an on-going reduction in sex drive, and in some cases, prolonged periods of erectile dysfunction even after they stop using the medications.
Researcher Michael Irwig says, "The study looked at the reported types and duration of persistent sexual side effects in otherwise healthy men who took finasteride for male pattern hair loss. While finasteride has been associated with reversible adverse sexual side effects in multiple randomized placebo controlled trials, this is the first series to find that symptoms persisted for at least three months despite stopping finasteride." When Irwig conducted standardized interviews with 71 men aged 21-46 who reported they were in otherwise good health and were taking one of these medicines, 94% said they developed low sexual desire, 92% said they developed erectile dysfunction, 92% said they developed decreased arousal and 69% said they developed problems with orgasm. Additionally, the study found the average number of sexual episodes the survey respondents reported per month dropped.
So guys, maybe it’s better to rely on your winning personality to attract a woman, after all. Anyway, most women find baldness fine–it’s obesity they don’t like. If that’s YOUR problem, get help now: Download Anne Strieber’s famous diet book, "What I Learned From the Fat Years." Using scientific principles, she devised a diet that helped her to lose 100 pounds and YOU CAN TOO.
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