It’s all in the BRAIN! – Why do some people gain weight easily, while others never seem to get supersized, no matter what they eat? And when those of us who gain weight DO get fat, why do men and women pack the fat on in different places on the body?

A protein called SIRT1, which is found in cells throughout the body, must be present in a specific set of brain neurons in order to prevent weight gain after eating high-calorie meals. Also, an enzyme in the brain known as PI3 kinase might control the increased generation of body heat that helps burn off excess calories after eating a high-fat meal. If your brain is deficient in either of these substances, you’ll have to watch what you eat more carefully than the next person.

Researcher Roberto Coppari says, “This is the first study to show that SIRT1 is required for preventing diet-induced obesity and maintaining normal body weight.” The next step is to determine whether SIRT1 is mediating other signaling pathways in the brain that in addition to regulating body weight are key for normal glucose balance. If so, this could lead to a cure for Type II diabetes.

Ever wonder why men and women gain weight in different areas of the body? Researchers are coming close to understanding the vital sex differences in men and women concerning fat storage. In fact, research indicates that fat is genetically different in men and women. Research Deborah Clegg says, “Female fat tissue won’t behave anything like a male fat tissue and vice versa.” Since men are more likely to carry extra weight around their bellies, they are at higher risk for numerous obesity-related diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Women, on the other hand, are usually protected from these disorders until menopause, when their ovarian hormone levels drop and fat storage tends to shift from their buttocks to their waists in more of a “male storage” pattern.

When it comes to brain power, we have news for you: If you’re a contactee, your brain has been changed and you have a special responsibility to help save the Earth. Anne Strieber explains how unanswerable questions and strange experiences improves our brains so that we can better use them to address problemslike climate change. To access this information, enter the Subscriber section, click on the Audio Section then click on Special Interviews and scroll down until you see Special Interviews Archive, then click on that. The entire archive will open and you can scroll or do a browser search for the programming you are looking for. But FIRST you need to subscribe today!

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