Tropical Storm Beryl has formed off the US coast in the Atlantic ocean and is expected to head up past New England, where there is an unusual mass of warm ocean water off the coast of Maine at this time, and then move on to Southern Canada.
Unless Beryl changes its route, the storm will pass directly over the warm water mass, which will strengthen its force, possibly turning it into a hurricane, especially if it lingers in the area. Beryl could eventually travel to Europe, where it could also land as a hurricane. To track Beryl, click here.
Despite the danger of hurricanes, new maps developed by scientists who track population show that the population along the coastlines in most countries will increase by 35% by 2025, compared to 10 years earlier.
Scientists all agreee that hurricanes are signs of global warming. Where did Whitley and Art Bell get the information that forms the basis for their groundbreaking book, which was made into the hit film The Day After Tomorrow? Only those in the know have the Key to this secret. Don?t count on the government to prevent global warming?there are many important things that YOU can do. To learn about more of them, click here and scroll down.YOU can also fight climate change by supporting those of us who get the REAL news out about what?s going on. And if you want to know what’s REALLY going on, be among the very first people to read Whitley?s new novel that tells it all: The Grays. click here to pre-order a copy TODAY. If you want to receive a free signed bookplate to put inside your copy, don’t wait any longer: subscribe today.
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