Belgium has the world?s worst water, according to UNESCO. It’s dirtier than the water in India, Jordan and nine African countries. The next worst European country is Germany, in 57th place. The best water comes from Finland, Canada and New Zealand. The U.S. is 12th on the list for the cleanest water.
The water quality index rates countries according to the cleanliness of their rivers and underground water, the amount of treatment that they give to sewage and the way they enforce anti-pollution laws. The U.K. is now number 4 for clean water, but the Thames was once filled with sewage. It’s now so clean that salmon swim in it. Belgian’s environment ministry says things will improve when a sewage treatment plant is completed in Brussels in 2005.
We can no longer take our water?or our weather?for granted. Stay healthy: find out what doctors don?t tell you on Dreamland this Saturday, March 8!
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