We should stop praising the world’s top CEOs because a new study by a business journal shows that they are not as good as everyone thinks they are–they’re LUCKY!
In the June 25th edition of the Financial Times, Lucy Kellaway writes: "Take Bill Gates. Had he not come from a well-off family–making it easy for him to indulge his young love affair with computers–and had his well-connected mother not opened doors with IBM, he probably wouldn’t have become the richest man in the world. That doesn’t mean that Mr. Gates isn’t clever, it just means that we can study him all we like but we’re not going to end up where he is."
The researchers "argue that the super-successful are outliers who achieve extraordinary things partly through luck. And once lucky, they get more so. The rich get richer, as we all know."
Successful people not only owe their success to their own good luck, but also to the bad luck of others. Psychologists did a study in which they gave groups of three students four cookies. One member of each group was chosen at random as group leader and in each case it was this person who claimed the extra cookie.
If YOU’RE getting too many cookies (and drinking too many sugared sodas), then you should know that the download of Anne Strieber’s famous diet book is now ON SALE, just in time for bathing suit season: The price has been REDUCED TO $2.99 (which is $2 off!)
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