Both are similar to a computer – There are amazing similarities between the human brain, the nervous system of a worm, and a computer chip. Most of us understand the computer chip comparison, but the worm?
Science Daily quotes physicist Danielle Bassett as saying, “Brains are often compared to computers, but apart from the trivial fact that both process information using a complex pattern of connections in a physical space, it has been unclear whether this is more than just a metaphor.” Now scientists know that it’s a physical reality, because they’ve found that all 3 share 2 basic properties: The human brain, the worm’s nervous system, and a computer chip all have a structure in which the same patterns repeat over and over again at different scales.
Don’t forget this the next time you use a worm to bait the hook on your fishing rod.
We won’t be doing in fishing in Nashville in June, so the worms there can all relax. What we WILL be doing is presenting a series of fascinating talks by your favorite Dreamland hosts, so come relax and make new friends who are interested in the same things you are.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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