Paul Anderson, of the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network, tells about the experiences of a CCRN team that recently inspected cornfields where two crop circles were formed during 2002. The corn has been cut down, but the fields have not yet been ploughed. He writes, During a dowsing experiment, the L-rods were observed to often start ‘spinning’ in complete, fairly rapid rotations, in the second larger formation in particular, which was also videotaped; interestingly, similar accounts of spinning dowsing rods have come from research teams during ghost-hunting investigations. While dowsing itself is a much debated subject, the results were interesting, needless to say.
Also of interest are numerous stalks bent over about as much as a foot above the ground, in the largest rectangular bars of the larger second formation in particular (more than in other areas of the formation previously visited), some sample ears of corn from inside this formation which are significantly more lightweight than controls from outside, birds which did not feed on any of the fallen ears of corn inside the formations for about two months after the formations initially occurred then began to feed normally as well as recent reports of odd lights over the Mission area including one making a sharp 90-degree turn on January 16 and others in the same area. One of the oldest known ancient sites in British Columbia, Hatzic Rock, is also nearby, dating from about 1,000 to 3,650 BC.
Dowsing rods, strange lights, animals avoiding the area, nearby prehistoric sitesall of this is familiar to those of us who study crop circle formations in the U.K. But it turns out the same things are happening much closer to home.
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