This is the only poem we have ever published as an Insight. The reason we are publishing it is that it captures the essential ambiguity and complexity of the close encounter experience in just a few well-chosen words.

Aliens and Angels by Marsha Carter.

Angels and aliens appearing in the mist of an ancient forest or the edge of sleep, an ancestral memory tatoo-ed in our DNA.

Dark blue patterns scar the skin of shamans. The thoughts of God expressed and “His gaze was terrible.”

The tiniest quantum particle changes when it’s observed. Our eyes, magnified, see that shining energy with no awareness that we too are terrifying.

This is, we proclaim, the most mysterious part of us as we manipulate and stalk a particle of light. Whose angel are we To capture a universe knowing we are harmless does not make us harmless even as the light changes to embrace us.

–Marsha Carter

Copyright (c) 2007, Marsha Carter

NOTE: This Insight, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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